Compiled by Scott C. Hare

Saturday, June 26

Pittsburgh Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual Parade and Rally, starts 11 am Saturday, June 26 at the Civic Arena, march to Rally and Picnic at Point State Park, 412-681-3129 for more info.

Saturday, June 26 and Sunday, June 27

A Family of Pride, New York City and Los Angeles Pride Festivals. Year of the Queer, San Francisco Pride Festival. Sunday, June 27

1993 Columbus Gay-Lesbian Pride March and Gayfest, assembly begins at 10 am at Goodale Park, with an ecumenical worship service at the park's gazebo at 11 am, march steps off at 1 pm, and goes to the rally and Gayfest at Bicentennial Park on the Scioto River from 2:30 to 7 pm, Craig Mercer, an organizer against Colorado's Amendment 2, will speak, also music and booths. Two bars, the Garage, 40 E. Long, and the Eagle, 232 N. 3rd, will have benefits afterward. Bat-n-Rouge Drag Softball Benefit Game, Columbus Berliner Park, diamond 29, 6 pm after the Columbus Gayfest, $5 advance, 614-444-4687.

Past life regression, led by David Johns, geared to gay men and lesbians, S.L. Serio/ Sundial Center, 8221 Brecksville Rd, 1:30 pm, pre-register 351-5761.

Wednesday, June 30

The Gay Agenda, repeat showing by Stonewall Cleveland of the fundamentalist antigay video, and gay rebuttal video Hate, Lies and Videotape, sponsored by HUGS East, Unitarian Church, 8181 South Center St. (Rt. 615), Mentor, 7 pm, 974-8909. Thursday, July 1

Social Picnic, sponsored by The Network, Cleveland Lesbians in business and the professions, for an evening in the park, bring your own picnic basket supper, Bradley Rd. Metro Park, 6 pm, Sharon 529-9285 or Janet 932-2813.

Friday, July 2

Shabbat Service in the Park, sponsored by Chevrei Tikva, 8:30 pm, 932-5551. Wednesday, July 7

Square Dance Beginning Class taught by Cleveland City Country Dancers, Archwood United Church of Christ, 2800 Archwood Ave., 7 pm, 651-3724. Thursday, July 8

Reception honoring Jose Zuniga, gay Army Specialist who came out at the March on Washington, sponsored by ACLU of Ohio Gay-Lesbian Rights Project, 6:308:30 pm, 33200 Shaker Blvd., $50 minimum suggested contribution, 781-6277. Funding Guidelines Workshop, sponsored by the Women's Community Foundation and the Foundation Center Library, to teach grassroots women's organizations how to use the Foundation Center Library, along with some hints on proposal writing and presentation, Foundation Center Library, 1422 Euclid Ave., Suite 1356, 6 pm, free, limit 24, 861-1934.


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Friday, July 9 through Sunday, July 11 Fifth National Conference for AIDS Massage and Bodyworks, a healing, nurturing, bonding weekend open to people at all levels of involvement and interest in therapeutic touch and HIV, sponsored by the AIDS Massage Project of Minnesota, Stuart Holland, 3601 14th Ave. South, Minn., MN, 55407, 612-729-8924. Saturday, July 10

Potluck Picnic, sponsored by Interweave, guest of honor is Cornelius Utz, East Shore Unitarian Church, 8181 S. Center St., Mentor, 2 pm, RSVP 257-3627 or 871-4675. Sunday, July 11 Summerfest '93 Music & Comedy Concert, sponsored by South East Michigan Pride, features comic and musical talent from across the country, Royal Oak Music Theatre, Fourth St. between Washington and Lafayette in Royal Oak, Michigan, 7 pm, $15 at the door, 313-825-6651.

Tuesday, July 13

The Psychology of Golf, sponsored by The Network, with guest speaker LPGA golf pro Jeri Reid, Maria's Restaurant, 11822 Detroit, Lakewood, 6 pm optional dinner off the menu, 7 pm speaker, Sharon 529-9285 or Janet 932-2813.

Sunday, July 18

Pot Luck Social for the HIV spectrum, sponsored by Emmanual MCC, bring your favorite dish and join in on the fun, 10034 Lorain Avenue, 2 pm, Bill 621-7933. Wednesday, July 21 through Sunday, July 25

Taking Care of Each Other: Making Our Voices Heard, lesbian and gay health conference, includes 11 full-day pre-conference institutes and over 200 workshops, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Houston, TX, 202-994-4285.

Friday, July 23 through Sunday, July 25

Northampton Lesbian Festival, by WOW Productions, workshops and entertainment, registration: 160 Main St., Northampton, MA, 01060, 413-586-8251.

Sunday, July 25

Garden Party, elegent house tour, luncheon, silent and live auctions to benefit the Center, reservations required, 522-1999.

Sunday, August 1

Dancin' in the Streets, block party fundraiser for Health Issues Taskforce, enjoy some food, music, dancing and good times, on W. 9th between St. Clair and Lakeside, 1 to 10 pm; this year's theme is "Rodeo," $5 donation, 621-0766.

Calendar listings are free! To list your group or club's events, send the information—including date, time, location, and contact phone to the Chronicle, P.O. Box 5426, Cleveland, 44101, or fax to 216-621-5282. Listings received by the Thursday after the Chronicle comes out (every other Friday) will be included in the next issue.

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